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Student/Alumni Endorsement

Student/Alumni Endorsement

  • Jason LEUNG
    Class of 2024, CUHK
    Head of Land and Housing Research, Our Hong Kong Foundation

    MPUP offers an advanced curriculum with a perfect blend of theory-guided knowledge and practical skills. Besides providing an in-depth understanding and interdisciplinary perspectives regarding the intricacies of the policymaking process, the programme equips students with a qualitative and quantitative analytical mindset. It was a joy to engage in intellectually stimulating discussions and stretch assignments with the distinguished faculty and high-calibre peers from diverse backgrounds.


    Whether you are an aspiring public policy professional or an industry practitioner, there is something in MPUP for you to make the journey fulfilling and worthwhile. Most importantly, I will cherish the bonds and camaraderie formed with my classmates and look back at the experience with fond memories.

  • Justin LAM
    Class of 2024, CUHK
    Executive Officer, HKSAR Government

    As a registered social worker in Hong Kong, I was given to understand that social problems could be complex and multifold and was inspired to contribute to the society. The MPUP programme grooms their students to become the future leaders in Hong Kong, by offering major courses stipulating the fundamental concepts in public policy making, as well as elective courses underpinning specialised knowledges in various policy areas.

    As the class representative of this programme in both 2022/23 and 2023/24, I can recall plentiful precious learning moments with both the classmates and devoted scholars from a diverse discipline, we shared with and learnt from each other.

    Graduating from this programme, I am now able to flourish, prosper and thrive in my career and further study.

  • Kelvin SO
    Class of 2024, CUHK
    Executive Assistant, Hospital Authority

    MPUP provides well-rounded horizons for me, including economics, statistics, finances, and ethics. I learn to analyze problems and phenomena from different perspectives. It helps me be ready to hit the ground running in my professional career. Meanwhile, MPUP has strong resources for preparing graduates for successful careers in the public, private, and nonprofit sectors. Alumni go on to serve in a variety of roles, including policy analysts, community organizers, and government officials. The relevant workshops, sharing sessions, and extensive alumni network can provide students with enough opportunities for career guidance and professional networking.

  • Jacqueline HUI
    Class of 2023, CUHK
    Researcher, Chief Executive's Policy Unit, HKSAR Government

    The MPUP program has enabled me to gain a deep understanding of the theories and empirical evidence which underpin the policymaking process. Engaging in intellectual discussions with esteemed scholars and fellow MPUP students from diverse backgrounds has been an invaluable aspect of my learning journey and professional growth.

    What sets MPUP apart is its ability to equip students with highly refined analytical skills. These skills have proven to be indispensable in navigating the complex and multifaceted realm of public policy. With the sharpened tools I have acquired through this program, I am confident to make significant strides in this ever-evolving field.

  • LIU Siyuan
    Class of 2023, CUHK
    Product Manager, Taotian Group, Alibaba

    MPUP is a wonderful program with insightful courses, devoted professors, and creative peers. It is both multidisciplinary and multicultural, which enables me to experience the interaction and integration of diverse ideas in this particularly inclusive city. Studying there not only provides me with a holistic understanding of public policy, but to a greater extent, renders me perceptive, sympathetic, and analytic towards social issues. Also, I gratefully met many lovely people—from talented fellows to devoted professors, to all the staff in the MPUP program. Their patience, enthusiasm, and knowledge are fertile soil, nourishing me and inspiring me to go forward.

  • TSANG, Sau Pui
    Class of 2023, CUHK
    Land Executive, Lands Department, HKSAR Government

    Studying in MPUP at CUHK is fantastic and rewarding. The lecturers are very knowledgeable and student-oriented. They have enriched my understanding of policy formulation and inspired me to analyse social issues from new perspectives under the challenging and changing political-social environment. The courses also invited various guest speakers like members of the Executive Council, Legislative Council and interest groups to talk and share. With the skills and knowledge I have acquired and the connections I have made through the MPUP, I have the confidence to enhance my career to serve the community.

  • YUM, Ho Yin
    Class of 2023, CUHK
    Public Affairs Manager, Hong Kong Cyberport Management Company Limited

    The interdisciplinary MPUP programme of CUHK provided me with comprehensive analytical skills and deep understanding of multifaceted policy challenges. Integrating diverse disciplines including economics, public administration, and crisis management honed my critical thinking and creativity. These capabilities have proven invaluable as I build my career in public affairs.

    The rigorous curriculum equipped me with the frameworks and tools to dissect complex policy issues. Course modules exposed me to essential concepts such as stakeholder mapping, impact assessment, and the ethical dimensions of public service. Collaborating with accomplished peers from various backgrounds enhanced my ability to reconcile competing interests and accomplish common goals, critical competencies in government, NGOs and the private sector.

    I highly recommend this programme for those who want to drive positive change through principled policymaking and advocacy.

  • NIE Fengyue
    Class of 2022, CUHK
    Administrative Assistant, the CUHK(Shenzhen)

    As an interdisciplinary programme, MPUP opens the door of academic exchange and bridged the gap between theory and practice.
    It not only provides me with profound academic knowledge, but also strengthen my critical thinking skills. I greatly value the exchange of ideas with students and teachers from different subject areas in MPUP. The diversity of the class shapes my open mind, and the sharing of teachers broadens my vision. I am now more sensitive to social problems and think critically about possible solutions.
    The learning experience in MPUP is of great significance to my future path. I highly recommend MPUP programme to those who are looking for professional and in-depth development in the public sector.

  • Sin King Wai, Kelvin
    Class of 2022, CUHK
    Corporate Communications and Public Affairs, Hong Kong Science and Technology Parks Corporation

    This programme is not just about theories, more than that is to equip students with a systematic, concrete, and holistic mindset in policy making. This programme has enlightened me in many ways, what I have learnt from this programme could be applied to my every-day work. I am particularly grateful for all the inspiring lectures and great support from the MPUP professors and lecturers, we have established a highly positive and interactive relationship which is very precious to me. I would highly recommend this programme to those who are interested in public policy, or those who would like to pursue their career in the public sector.

  • Cai Jiangye
    Class of 2022, CUHK
    US Tax Consultant, Ernst & Young Tax Services Limited, Hong Kong

    MPUP is a prominent and game-changing platform for current and prospective leaders relevant to numerous policy areas! The Programme assisted me in developing a global and broad perspective in evaluating decisions using various models and theories, as well as quantitative and qualitative skills for further research. Moreover, this multidisciplinary curriculum of MPUP and my responsibility as a class representative enhanced my policy and business analytical ability, teamwork spirit and leadership – all of which are especially beneficial for my future career!

  • LEUNG Ho Yiu
    Class of 2022, CUHK
    Teaching Assistant, School of Journalism and Communication, CUHK

    MPUP is an interdisciplinary programme, providing me with a comprehensive learning experience and equipping me with practical knowledge in analyzing public policies. It covers a wide range of economic policies, environmental policies, policy research, and crisis management. After working in the media field for nearly a decade, I find the MPUP programme particularly impressive in nurturing thinkers and leaders to address the contemporary social issues and future challenges of this increasingly complex world.

  • Terence Li
    Class of 2022, CUHK
    The Legislative Council Secretariat, HKSAR Government

    Studying at the MPUP was a positive life-changing experience for me. Not only did CUHK provide us with up-to-date knowledge for policy analysis, but also the way to think about decision-making. One of MPUP’s great strengths is the practicality of its curriculum. I got good chances to broaden my horizons through interactions with former government officials and experts.

  • Cyrus Cheung
    Class of 2021, CUHK
    Listed Company

    The year studying in the MPUP programme had been a rewarding journey for me. The programme allowed me to learn different things in different courses with specialized teachers from various policy fields. After the MPUP journey, I am able to master some practical frameworks and methods in analyzing public policy, which is very helpful for my life-long learning. By the way, the programme had a good mix of local and non-local students, and I quite enjoyed the learning experience in classes that students had diverse views and teachers were open-minded.

  • Candy Li
    Class of 2021, CUHK
    Officer, Hong Kong Housing Society

    MPUP equips students with theoretical frameworks and professional practices to deal with global and local policy changes from an interdisciplinary perspective. During this two-year journey, I have learnt to analyze government policies with policy-making models and explore practical skills in policy research. It enables me to incorporate knowledge acquired in my Political Science Degree with real-world policy issues. MPUP gives me professional insights into policy analysis which are beneficial for my career development. For those who aspire to help society address pressing public policy challenges, being MPUP students would be a stepping-stone.

  • Ivy Huang
    Class of 2021, CUHK

    One-year experience in MPUP programme is undoubtedly fruitful for me, in which I not only learn integrative knowledge and professional skills, but also cultivate critical thinking ability and innovative mindset. Because of personal reason, I am not able to go to campus, however, kind teachers in MPUP provides us with full teaching support and warm care, making the dual-track teaching mode run smoothly. Thanks to this unforgettable journey in MPUP, I am better prepared to pursue my future career goal.

  • Katie Wong
    Class of 2021, CUHK
    Management Services Officer, HKSAR Government

    Joining the MPUP programme brings me much more than theories and skills. Courses of MPUP provide a great deal of experience sharing opportunities among students across diverse industries and with various cultural backgrounds. Especially during 2020 – 2021 being a tough period of Hong Kong and of the whole world, I treasured the time I spent remotely and physically with professors and classmates during lectures and gatherings. By discussing social issues and hot political topics, I am enriched to look at policies and policy-making in a broader and multidimensional perspective. Graduating from MPUP is probably the best moment of mine in this challenging year!

  • Pinky Wong
    Class of 2021, CUHK
    Executive Officer, CUHK

    The MPUP programme is a truly interdisciplinary programme which teaches a wide range of subjects/knowledge including economics, political science, philosophy, global studies, urban studies, social science research and so on. As a student from the arts stream who has little knowledge on statistics and economics, I was amazed by teachers of the programme who made use of current issues to illustrate complex concepts in a simple way. Studying MPUP is an eye-opening journey which trains me to be a thoughtful policymaker who always have a holistic view in all areas and seek the best solution to balance the interests of different stakeholders in the society. I will recommend people who are interested in public policy to study this esteemed programme.

  • Alvin Huang
    Class of 2020, CUHK
    Commercial Management, OCT Shenzhen

    As an undergraduate majoring in philosophy, I am used to observing and reconsidering people and society. Through studying in MPUP, I not only learned how to make valuable ideas into feasible solutions, but also had a more comprehensive thinking on how to deal with different stakeholders. Due to the social unrest and epidemic situation, the year had been a tough year. Nevertheless, for students majoring in Social Science, it was such a valuable experience for observation and reflection. Thanks to MPUP, I got to know so many excellent teachers and classmates with similar ideas, inspiring me to think about what social justice is.

  • Iris Chu
    Class of 2020, CUHK
    Due Diligence Analyst of an international investment bank

    MPUP is an integrative programme that encourages students to explore and research public policies in different areas. Not only lecturers and tutors are inspiring and helpful, I was impressed by the amicable classmates from all walks of life too. Throughout the year, the programme had held various workshops, seminars and alumni sharing sessions, which enabled me to learn about public policies in different sectors and to explore various career paths. Thanks to MPUP, I am now fully prepared to take up challenges with the critical research and enquiry skills gained from here.

  • Stella Son
    Class of 2020, CUHK
    Researcher, Political Affairs and Economy Section, Consulate General of the Republic of Korea in Hong Kong

    As an international student in the programme, MPUP certainly provided me a comprehensive knowledge about public policy in general, as well as a helpful guideline in understanding public policy in Hong Kong. This is especially a plus for my career since I can now apply the theory and techniques obtained to conduct in-depth research about political and economic affairs of Hong Kong. The programme also granted me an opportunity to participate in academic seminars and field trips which motivated me to view issues from different perspectives of multi-stakeholders and engage in critical thinking for policy-making. Most of all, MPUP was a valuable experience to build personal networks with students from different walks of life and interdisciplinary career field.

  • Tiffany Ng
    Class of 2020, CUHK
    Assistant Manager, Hong Kong Monetary Authority

    The year in the MPUP programme has been a delightful journey for me. Coming from a background in Economics, the interdisciplinary nature of the MPUP programme has broadened my perspectives on a wide range of social issues. It has not only sharpened my analytical skills but also trained me to be a problem solver using practical and professional approaches. The elective courses allowed me to continue my interest in economic policy research while incorporating what I have learnt from various disciplines. I have treasured the opportunity to interact with a diverse network of professors, guest lecturers and fellow classmates who have been very supportive and always inspire.

  • Alex Ng
    Class of 2020, CUHK
    Assistant Assessor, Inland Revenue Department, HKSAR Government

    The MPUP programme helped me understand the policy-making environment in a structured manner with the support of theoretical frameworks and real-life examples. The programme also equips myself with the skills to investigate and analyse various issues from a holistic approach. As a student of the MPUP programme, I had plenty of opportunities to work on academic research projects, both individually and in a group setting. These research projects sharpened my ability to gather credible information and insights, to find the right benchmarks for analysing the effectiveness of a policy, and to present the findings and recommendations professionally and convincingly. I was also excited to meet my classmates from all walks of life with various academic and career backgrounds, which allowed me to get updated about the recent development in both the public and the private sectors.

  • Chris Cai
    Class of 2020, CUHK
    Assistant Information Officer, Information Services Department, HKSAR Government

    Studying in MPUP Programme not only provides me with joyful opportunities in pursuing my deep interest in public policy, but also encourages me to dive into other important sectors with which I am not familiar such as economy and finance. Besides academic enrichment, MPUP also embraces various extra-curricular activities including seminars, visits and sharing with current public policy practitioners, through which I can gain a lot more outside classroom. For those who already devote themselves in a profession, please rest assured that you can strike a perfect balance between your career and on-going study by enrolling courses that best suits your timetable with flexibility.

  • Emma Kuang
    Class of 2020, CUHK
    Graduate Trainee, Sephora China

    This year of studying at MPUP had left me many good memories. Due to the interdisciplinary nature of this programme, I am able to form a comprehensive and systematic thinking framework. I was always looking forward to discussing different cases with my outstanding team members, and now I am trying to apply things I have learnt in class to my own career and life. The classmates and MPUP Office are always supportive. I would say this one-year programme is worthwhile.

  • Frank Zeng
    Class of 2020, CUHK
    PhD Student, Department of Government and Public Administration, CUHK

    The MPUP Programme provides a spectrum of inter-disciplinary courses, covering the significant branches of the public policy field. High-quality courses help me integrate my undergraduate knowledge in Economics and Law, and well-experienced professors help me understand public policies from theoretical bases and practical cases. The supportive environment pushes me to focus solely on academic study, and the rigorous academic requirement pushes me to explore the real issues. The MPUP Programme plays an inseparable role in enlightening my academic interests, as well as motivating me to start my PhD study in this field and this Department.

  • Frasier Fong
    Class of 2020, CUHK
    Environmental Protection Officer, Environmental Protection Department, HKSAR Government

    As an interdisciplinary programme, MPUP equips me with comprehensive knowledge and necessary skills relating to major areas covering public policy research, economy, finance, environment and politics, which not only benefit my personal development but also constitute a solid foundation for my career. The programme broadens my understanding of policy issues and enables me to view public policies, ranging from major government policies to day-to-day operational decisions, from new angles and in different ways. It allows me to formulate new ideas and insights into different policy areas, which is useful to my role as a civil servant. Moreover, during my studies, I deeply enjoyed the opportunity to meet fellow students from a diverse range of backgrounds and experience. The MPUP indeed provides valuable and practical skills to students and leads to a wide range of career options in the public and private sectors. I therefore highly recommend this programme to those who are interested in public policy and would like to pursue a career development in this field.

  • Queenie Chan
    Class of 2020, CUHK
    Management Services Officer, HKSAR Government

    I am overwhelmed with gratitude to be able to take part in the two-year fascinating journey in the MPUP. The well-structured courses and comprehensive learning activities not only helped me foster applicable multi-skills to better serve the community, but also allowed me to gain more insights into wide range of global and local policies through interactive and interdisciplinary learning. This definitely further broadened my horizons and widened my personal network. My current career requires utilization of critical analysis to offer consultancy services to different departmental units. Many learning areas, such as government efficiency, policy formulation process, policy economic analysis, involved in this program are directly relevant and useful to my daily works. I believe that learning policymaking is learning how we can make a difference in the society. I learnt to better balance the interests of various stakeholders through thorough considerations in policy formulation during this program.

  • Janette Yan
    Class of 2019, CUHK
    Personal Data Assistant, Office of the Privacy Commissioner for Personal Data, Hong Kong

    MPUP is definitely an inspirational and valuable programme which has brought about far-reaching influences in my academic experience, personal career and interpersonal network. Having considered the increasing complexity of public policy issues, the courses of MPUP have emphasized much in multi-angle thinking through the professional teaching of interdisciplinary studies, including political sciences, sociology, economics and humanities. Different sets of analytical tools to examine policy inquiries and governance strategies are also my major takeaways throughout the programme. Thanks to the diversified academic and professional background of our fellow classmates, the programme, moreover, has embellished my horizon by enriching my social network as well as offering the precious opportunity for me to be acquainted with like-minded talents who share the same commitment in the search of innovative, effective solutions to social problems. Through exchange of ideas in the classroom and gatherings outside classes, we have built up a coherent community with the cohort, teaching and administration staff of the programme who have been actively involved in. The trainings I have received, the people I have met and learned from, the immersive environment I was provided during my study in MPUP, have equipped myself to be a more presentable, proactive and competitive candidate to pursue my career in public organizations.

  • Rachel Cheung
    Class of 2019, CUHK
    Associate, Policy Analysis, PR/ Consultancy

    MPUP equipped me with the essential skills to digest and communicate information in a professional way and to think broadly about the challenges in the world. Interdisciplinary nature of the programme excites me with opportunities to learn from a wide range of subjects including economics, policy research, politics, and ethics. Most importantly, being an MPUP student would be surrounded by talented people who always bring you new insights, network and inspiration.

  • Shelly Pan
    Class of 2019, CUHK
    Reporter, Phoenix Satellite Television Co. Ltd.

    After four years’ of study in media and news journalism, I enrolled into the MPUP programme with a strong interest in having a deeper understanding in policy making. The MPUP courses provided me with a comprehensive and informative knowledge in public policy integrating economics, global problems, risk management and guided me how to think as a policy maker. This is especially helpful for my career as I can now apply the knowledge and skills learnt in the programme in my daily work to write more in-depth and meaningful news stories for my audience. As a part-time student, studying the MPUP courses was especially challenging as I had to strive for a balance between work and study, yet it has been a very fruitful and meaningful two years. I highly recommend the MPUP programme to those wishing to gain a comprehensive insight into public policy, and hope you can enjoy the courses like I do.

  • Silvia Jiang
    Class of 2019, CUHK
    Assistant, United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO), Paris, France

    MPUP is a brilliant programme with good teachers and good classmates, covering a variety of subjects. Economy, environmental issues and humanities are all covered in the programme. Your mind will be opened to new ways of seeing things, under a series of intensively critical-thinking training in various courses. Studying in MPUP, not only would your qualitative abilities be reinforced, but your quantitative skills would also be sharpened. Simultaneously, you can get acquainted with new friends in the programme. Peers around you are like-minded, so you would be inspired by each other. The excellent classmates and friends would make you keep working hard. Thus, I say that MPUP is a precious experience, from which we can gain life-long benefits.

  • Steve Chan
    Class of 2019, CUHK
    Technical Secretary, HKSAR Government

    As my background is an electrical engineer, the programme has brought me to a new horizon of learning. Through the programme, I have acquired skills and knowledge in public policy such as agenda setting, policy formulation and adoption, government efficiency and policy economic analysis which are very useful for my daily works.

  • Violet Ieong
    Class of 2019, CUHK
    Senior Manager, China Telecom, Macau

    During my study at MPUP, I have gained a lot of useful experience and knowledge which are beneficial for my career planning. MPUP motivated me to investigate and analyse issues from wider angles and from perspectives of multi-stakeholders, moreover, it helped me develop practical abilities and a spirit of innovation and service, which have had a significant impact on my career path and cultivated me to be a well-rounded person. From my point of view, MPUP is a programme providing students with holistic education academically and practically, trainings to improve students’ critical thinking, and heedful care from professors, who are not only good teachers but also close friends of students.

  • Alvin Chiu
    Class of 2018, CUHK
    District Council Member, Sha Tin District Council / Senior Vice President, Everbright Sun Hung Kai Company Limited

    MPUP is very useful for me. Courses such as Crisis Management and Global Finance and Governance equipped me with valuable knowledge for my current career fields on Public & Civil and Finance. CUHK is definitely an excellent university in the profession of Public Policy. That’s why I believe all MPUP graduates would have a bright future and brilliant career development.

  • Billy Chan
    Class of 2018, CUHK

    As a policymaker, having a holistic view on the situation and the ability to balance the interests of different stakeholders are always required in every decision making process. The interdisciplinary structure of MPUP programme not only deepens my knowledge on policies, it also provides me with multiple thinking models from political science, economics and many other different disciplines. I believe only through having a comprehensive view on the current situation and understanding on theories could policymakers make decisions required by the people they are serving. MPUP would be one of the best ways for you to prepare yourself to be a future policy maker.

  • Keith Chan
    Class of 2018, CUHK
    Senior Station Officer, Fire Services Department, HKSAR Government

    As a member of the Government, I have a lot of opportunities to take part in various policy making processes. It is important for me to have a comprehensive understanding of these public policy making processes and to identify critical factors and stakeholders in major stages of policy making. Through studying in MPUP, I have equipped myself with professional and practical knowledge and my understanding in the field of public policy has been deepened. MPUP provides students with an interactive learning environment. During the in-class discussions and other learning activities, my classmates and I had many opportunities to exchange views on specific topics. It helped further develop my critical thinking skills and analytical ability. Having obtained the MPUP master’s degree, I have achieved advancement in my professional development as well as in pursing my career and life goals. I am confident that I can apply what I have learnt in MPUP in my work and life.

  • Lina Li
    Class of 2018, CUHK
    Office Manager, University of California, Santa Cruz

    Working at the Division of Global Engagement at UC Santa Cruz, my major job duties include advising prospective incoming and outgoing students, providing support to international scholars and promoting internationalization by supporting custom projects at university and even community level. The solid experience and learning in MPUP is practical for my career development. The comparative skills learnt in courses have helped me identify the crucial differences in cultures. Also, studying with students from different backgrounds and being a student representative of the Programme have provided me a platform for cultural exchange and advancing interpersonal skills.

  • Maggie Zhao
    Class of 2018, CUHK
    Analyst, Deloitte Consulting (Shanghai) Co., Ltd. Beijing Branch

    MPUP programme provides us with an excellent platform to further develop our depth and breadth of learning, sharpen our critical thinking skills, and equip ourselves for our career pursuit. I have gradually developed a comprehensive view on public policy through the curriculum with a wide range of aspects including policy progress, economics, global finance, and crisis management. MPUP programme emphasizes our ability to balance the interests amongst diverse stakeholders, which is essential for both policy makers and consultants. Thanks to MPUP, I have met so many excellent professors and classmates! I believe MPUP programme will benefit my future career and life a lot.

  • Ruobing Ji
    Class of 2018, CUHK
    Committee Member, NGO

    Learning in MPUP not only teaches me how different stakeholders interact in the policymaking process, but also provides me with the important epistemology in how we can make life better for people. Dedicated to voicing out for the disadvantaged people suffering from health inequality, such those suffering from dementia, I believe my research can influence more and more people working in the field of healthcare and medicine to address the inequality. What’s more, I will never forget how studying with people from different discipline areas in MPUP shapes my thinking. I am so lucky to share that I had a wonderful journey with our professors, classmates and other programme members, who always encourage and support me to live my own life.

  • Skyler Yu
    Class of 2018, CUHK
    Finance Sector

    Emphasizing on the integration of theories and practice, MPUP has provided me a platform to understand the operation of public policy in the real world through studying of public policy concepts and conducting in-depth analysis on specific topics. Apart from enriching my knowledge about policy-making, with the guidance from an interdisciplinary team of scholars and the well-designed curriculum, I also got the opportunities to strengthen my critical thinking skills through exchanging ideas with professionals from different fields; and deepen my understanding of various aspects of the society through exploring into diverse research areas. Such capability attained and insight gained will be valuable assets for my future career development.

  • Susana Munoz Enriquez
    Class of 2018, CUHK
    Counsellor, Representative Office of the Ministry of Economy, Mexico

    I highly recommend the MPUP programme. Not only does it offers me the academic rigor, but also the flexibility to study on a part-time basis. Moreover, the lectures are conducted by professors widely recognized in their research subjects. The materials used in class and discussions are very relevant for the analysis of current public policies both in Hong Kong and other Asian economies. I am confident that the knowledge and experience acquired while studying the MPUP programme will bring about a very positive impact on my future professional development.

  • Vera Cao
    Class of 2018, CUHK

    I consider MPUP a splendid adventure to a new learning area. The programme covers a wide range of knowledge, from economics to policies, which is beyond my expectation. We have been trained with thought-provoking theories of policymaking to conduct analysis from different perspectives. Also, the MPUP community is what I will always cherish. The programme organized wonderful social activities, e.g. the tram party offering us a panoramic view of Hong Kong. I would recommend MPUP to everyone who is interested in multidisciplinary study. It will offer you a fantastic academic and social experience.

  • Vivian Xu
    Class of 2018, CUHK
    Consultant, Hays Guangzhou

    Working as a consultant, my major duties include advising on recruitment matters and identifying suitable talents for client companies in banking and finance industry. The MPUP learning experience enabled me to think in a comprehensive way. The class diversity shaped my open-mindedness and appreciation for unique talents of classmates while teachers’ sharing broadened my horizon. I found all these beneficial to my work. In particular, I considered the course ‘Crisis Management and Public Governance’ widely applicable to my job not only in handling interpersonal relationship, but also to my personal growth and self-image building.

  • Ben Lee
    Class of 2018, CUHK
    Executive Officer, HKSAR

    The interdisciplinary design of MPUP is impressive. Overseas and local experts teach courses in their respective fields of expertise such as public administration, innovation and economic policy-making. MPUP does not only offer an eye-opening experience to students to explore different analytic frameworks but also equips them with capabilities to think holistically and formulate viable suggestions on practical policy problems. As such, studying MPUP is a very rewarding experience, and I will surely recommend it to those who are interested in pursuing their studies in public policy.

  • Angel Chan
    Class of 2017, CUHK
    Executive Officer, HKSAR Government

    Emphasising the importance of multidisciplinary learning, the MPUP programme of CUHK has deepened my knowledge and understanding in different fields of studies. From social policies to environmental policies; from public relations to economics, the courses here have trained us to be multi-talents who are able to think from different points of view. What surprised me the most is the pooling of talents in which classmates are from different academic backgrounds and sectors of the society. During in-class discussions and after-class activities, we often exchange our ideas, opinions and job experiences with each other. All these fruitful communications help broaden my horizon and widen my personal network with professionals from different areas. Furthermore, the programme has also provided us with practical career training and consultation, such as AO/EO workshop and alumni sharing. All these well prepared me for my JRE exam and EO interview when I was applying for the post. In sum, the programme not just provides me with knowledge and theory, but also extensive personal network and career training which make me “a better me”.

  • Hugo Leong
    Class of 2017, CUHK
    Researcher, Beijing Institute of Hong Kong and Macau Scholars

    Learning policymaking is learning how we can make a difference in the world, and MPUP provided me this excellent opportunity by inspiring classes and enriched academic activities including seminars and organization visits. After this 1-year study journey, I have had deeper understandings of the policymaking process, research method, crisis management as well as public policies in Greater China, which are all very useful to my daily research work.

  • Li Linlin
    Class of 2017, CUHK
    Business Analyst, G.Li & Company; Project Manager, Invotech

    MPUP Programme truly enhanced my understanding of policies in theoretical framework and policies in reality. In one year, we learned policy making process, compared different practices in various countries and discussed current policy debates. Impact of MPUP goes beyond studying policies in the university. It shapes my mindset of approaching and analyzing complex problems at work. Besides, studying in a different environment with my energetic classmates, my original perspectives were always challenged and new concepts blew my mind. Be open-minded and learn to agree to disagreements, you will enjoy a fruitful year in CUHK.

  • Sing Yeung Lam
    Class of 2017, CUHK
    Consultant, Environmental Sector

    Wide variety of courses, vibrant composition of class and down-to-earth interaction between students and teaching scholars – the MPUP programme extended my vision to different policy issues of concern. As a graduate in environmental studies, the MPUP programme equipped me with the general “policy analysing toolkit” that can be applied to other policy domains beyond the environmental field. The interdisciplinary design of the MPUP programme provides comprehensive training to examine policies from multiple perspectives. It offered flexibility in choosing electives according to my own academic interest. In addition, MPUP is an ideal destination to develop intellectual capacity in public policy. The featured MPUP seminars allowed me to learn from outstanding scholars in different fields. The programme has enhanced my research skills and comprehension towards the policy dilemma, which enables me to transform into an all-round policy researcher.

  • Kamen Chan
    Class of 2017, CUHK
    Advisory Consulting Associate, PwC

    I majored in Engineering during my undergraduate studies. MPUP programme provides me with the best platform of interdisciplinary learning to foster my critical analysis on global policy issues. More importantly, I am not only exposed to essential knowledge in policymaking, but also lots of opportunities outside classroom, for having intellectual exchange of ideas with scholars around the globe.

  • Benny Lau
    Class of 2016, CUHK
    Corporate Development Manager, The Boys’ & Girls’ Clubs Association of Hong Kong

    As a social worker, I felt the need to expand my knowledge in policy formulation as the living of the service users can be greatly improved by the refinement of related policy. As the Corporate Development Manager of an NGO, I have to be sensitive to the impact of various policies on both NGO and the service users. The course ‘NGO and the Government’ emphasizes on the interactions among NGO, the government, political parties and other social groups. It enriches my understanding of how theory and practice of public policy impact on NGO in the local context. The programme emphasizes the application of concepts on real cases and it strikes the balance between theory and practice. Through different learning activities, we are trained to think intensively and analyze public policy problems from different perspectives. More importantly, the programme emphasizes the relationship between public policies and the values and ethics underlying them, which provides justification for the legitimacy of policies. It facilitates our analysis of policy in a deeper level.

  • Gloria Chan
    Class of 2016, CUHK
    Assistant Director, Collaborating Centre for Oxford University and CUHK for Disaster and Medical Humanitarian Response (CCOUC), The Chinese University of Hong Kong

    MPUP is unique by being interdisciplinary – a critical criteria of nowadays public policy making. Its non-didactic teaching approach opens the door of intellectual exchange and bridges the gap of theory and practice. Back to study after working in the front line for two decades, I take from MPUP the insight to further pursue the path as a practitioner-scholar and, most importantly, an agent of change for the betterment of our future.

  • Gary Wang
    Class of 2016, CUHK
    Consultant, Deloitte Consulting (Shanghai) Co. Ltd. Shenzhen Branch

    With abundant practical experience and profound academic knowledge, the MPUP teaching team, composed of distinguished professionals from think tanks, government and political parties, not only gives me a systematic understanding of public policy theory, but also provides me with creative and prospective insight into the way of analyzing social issues. In particular, most of their splendid lectures combining theories with policy practice in Hong Kong benefit me a lot.

  • Peijie Wang
    Class of 2016, CUHK
    Ph.D student, School of Public Policy and Management, Tsinghua University

    The interdisciplinary course design of MPUP offers a variety of choices which allows me to explore my research interest. Indeed, MPUP helps me find the beauty and intelligible complexity of academic research and equips me with knowledge from politics, economics, to sociology and so on. Through the theoretical and practical training of public policy, I can analyze policy-related cases and research papers from different angles. The courses Economic Analysis of Public Policy as well as Values and Ethics in Public Policy remind me of the importance of a prudent policy design as a policymaker-to-be or a scholar in public management. Throughout the whole study journey, I realized that a good public policy is based on both solid theoretical debates and the use of scientific research methods. That is why I start my Ph.D. studies later on.

  • Agnes Wong
    Class of 2015, CUHK
    Environmental Protection Officer, Environmental Protection Department, HKSAR Government

    Working as a civil servant means that I have to deal with public-related issues frequently. As I come from science background, I would like to learn more about public policy to facilitate my work. After studied in MPUP, I can use different perspectives to analyze public-related issues and understand the process or norm of public policy formulation. I found the real case examples and in-class discussions beneficial. Apart from the above, MPUP also surprised me by its well-established alumni network.

  • Corinne Lam
    Class of 2015, CUHK
    Finance/ Media

    With a well-designed curriculum as well as various sharing sessions conducted by public service leaders, MPUP equipped me with cutting edge knowledge in public policy and analytical skills which help prepare me to become a news reporter who is able to judge whether a government policy justified. My MPUP degree also helps me get the opportunity to work at the Mandatory Provident Fund Schemes Authority (MPFA), a public organization, where I can put what I have learned into practice. I must say studying in MPUP is an inspiring and enjoyable experience throughout my study life.

  • Yat Leung
    Class of 2015, CUHK
    LUI Che Woo Prize Limited / Non-profit Organisation

    MPUP is a good choice if you are interested and passionate in engaging in the public sector, including governmental sector and non-profit organisations. It is well developed for those who are looking for professional and in-depth development in the public sector. MPUP is also a platform where you can meet broader spectrum and various strata of talents across the sector. You would be able to expand and strengthen your knowledge in public policy and policymaking through comprehensive exchange of views and communications with leading international scholars and students of professional profile throughout the programme. MPUP is highly recommended to those energetic professionals who aim for leading positions in related fields!

  • Jennifer Chin
    Class of 2015, CUHK
    Superintendent, Hong Kong Police Force, HKSAR Government

    The increasing interdependence, complexity and volatility of events in the local and international environments nowadays have continued to have an impact on individuals and even more so on governments and their governance. Whether you are a senior civil servant like me, or someone endeavouring to understand more of this ‘maze’, I am sure that public policy study, a highly interdisciplinary programme gaining significance worldwide, can offer pointers. In spite of the short spell, MPUP has already provided me a good and valid frame of reference for both macro and micro policy analysis. Whilst my 23 years with the Police Force and the Government with the many training and secondment opportunities have equipped me with specialised knowledge, skills and exposures, this programme has elevated my conceptual and professional knowledge and understanding of public policy and its many intricacies to an even higher and more holistic level. Coupled with the many familiar real-life examples in teachings and researches, as well as lively interactions plus critical thinking during case studies, the programme has augmented my capability to visualise the various policy problems and issues in different valid perspectives and contexts. With other courses and further efforts ahead, I am looking forward to gaining more wisdom and analytical power as well as other exciting experiences down my learning path.

  • Crystal Yan
    Class of 2014, CUHK
    Trade and Industry Department, HKSAR Government

    It was a marvelous experience to study with my MPUP classmates who are from all walks of life but share the same interest. I enjoyed all the fruitful discussions and exchanges during and after classes, as well as the preparation for presentations. MPUP strengthens my theoretical knowledge and analytical skill, which enable me to understand public policies from all-rounded perspectives.

  • Michael Lee
    Class of 2014, CUHK

    It was totally out of my plan to enroll in MPUP programme. It all started from 2011 when I was in Sendai, Japan. Initially, my intention to join MPUP was to learn more for helping the reconstruction and relief work in Northeast Japan after the earthquake. However, after one year, I learn not only the principles of NGO and government policymaking, but also logical and critical thinking through intensive class discussion. MPUP programme is a very good platform for people from different sectors to have interactions.

  • Robert Lee
    Class of 2014, CUHK
    Correctional Services Department, HKSAR Government

    This Programme demonstrates the importance of public policy not simply by focusing on theoretical ideologies, but also practical application and case evaluation. Being an officer of government department facing high degree of public expectation, some crisis management techniques are necessary for me to handle different cases. The courses strengthen my crisis management skills and critical thinking through significant case studies and class interaction. Comprehensive analysis and case studies broaden my horizons and help me understand perspectives of different stakeholders. These really strengthen my confidence to deal with daily tasks of my work.

  • Heydon Choi
    Class of 2013, CUHK
    Executive Officer, HKSAR Government

    MPUP has not only consolidated my foundation in public administration, but also opened up new domains of knowledge for me. The courses are diversified and truly rewarding. I am delighted that this programme has sharpened my critical thinking and judgemental skills, making me better equipped for my career and life goals. Through this programme, I make new friends from the public sector, NGOs, political parties as well as the private sector. We learn from each other, exchange ideas and build up friendships that we all treasure.

  • Sophie Tan
    Class of 2013, CUHK
    Industrial and Commercial Bank of China

    The interaction between professors and students impressed me the most during my study in MPUP. This is quite different from the traditional method of teaching in mainland China. As a new programme, MPUP gives us various choices in lessons which stimulate different ideas and facilitate explorations. I am also fascinated by knowledge of public sector in Hong Kong and benefit a lot from it.

  • Ming Yang
    Class of 2013, CUHK
    Senior Executive - Case Management, Jardine Lloyd Thompson PCS Limited

    MPUP programme is one of the most invaluable experiences I have in Hong Kong. It enriches my understanding on the political, economic, and cultural aspects of Hong Kong, and further connects me to the advanced study and research on public policy realm internationally. Through the programme, I learnt from the extremely knowledgeable professors in an open academic environment with developed interdisciplinary perspectives. The benefit of MPUP programme doesn’t end at the completion of programme, but rather it continues. I have sharpened my mind that would be used for life; I have made friends that would last for life; I have met teachers that would offer advice to me when needed in the future. I would recommend this programme to those who are interested and you would definitely gain much more than expected.

  • Ken Kwok
    Class of 2013, CUHK
    Commercial Radio Hong Kong

    Working in the media, there seems to be endless information to digest everyday, especially on judging whether or not the government is doing well, or whether issues are justified. MPUP has enlightened me with many useful fundamental and essential principles in making critical and significant judgments. At times, I find it very enjoyable to be inspired by the lessons. If you are interested in politics and public policy, CUHK is no doubt the best place!

  • Brian Yu
    Class of 2012, CUHK
    Editor, The Chinese University Press, CUHK

    MPUP enables me to integrate knowledge and experience of my undergraduate studies in Government and Public Administration major and Sociology minor, plus my subsequent first full-time job at an NGO. Professors and lecturers inspire me to describe and prescribe ways to value our city’s public life. Perspectives range from public administration, economics, political philosophy, environment, architecture and more. There are opportunities for us to grasp and look into social issues from viewpoints of a diversity of stakeholders in society, with good discussion of cases locally and abroad. In brief, this programme is Multidisciplinary, Professional, Uplifting, and Practical — I think that’s why it’s called MPUP!

  • Jason Tsui
    Class of 2012, CUHK

    As a political science major in my undergraduate study, I got an opportunity from MPUP to further deepen my knowledge about how politics works in the real world. Its multidisciplinary nature is its major strength. Our study is not limited to a single discipline and our professors come from different departments in the Faculty of Social Science. Another astrength of MPUP is that it does not only focus on academic theories, but we also have teachers who have worked in their fields for years, if not decades. They pass to us a lot of practical knowledge and experience. If you are interested in studying public policy, MPUP of CUHK is the right place to go.

  • Sam Chan
    Class of 2012, CUHK

    As a graduate who did my major in Economics and minor in Government and Public Administration, I found MPUP an ideal extension for my academic pursuit. After one year of study in MPUP, I am equipped with not only the framework of policy analysis but also the essence of leadership. This programme offers a precious opportunity for me to learn from some of the most renowned scholars in the field of policy as well as leadership. Also, I eagerly want to interact with students from different backgrounds, and the study trip is a big step towards my goal of serving the community. Studying in MPUP is definitely a rewarding experience for all future leaders who aim to strive for excellence.

  • Jian Feng
    Class of 2012, CUHK
    Convoy Hong Kong

    When I initially had the idea to pursue my master degree in public policy in 2010, the first place came to my mind is Hong Kong. With its freedom and diversity, Hong Kong offers the perfect environment to study public policy. MPUP professors are all top professionals in their expert fields. They encourage students to think objectively and thoroughly. Some years passed since I joined MPUP. I must say I do not have any regrets at all. I changed a lot. I am now more sensitive to social problems and try to think of a possible solution critically. Our class discussions, presentations and papers help me understand how public policy works in the real world. I would like to thank all MPUP professors and classmates. Studying with you all is a really remarkable experience in my life.

  • Lisa Wu
    Class of 2012, CUHK

    As an English major student, I was firstly attracted by MPUP as its curriculum does not only focus on the policymaking process but also help students analyze and resolve policy problems. After setting foot in the MPUP classes, I found that every classmate here possesses diversified backgrounds. What’s more is Hong Kong as a metropolitan city, you would certainly experience a clash of different ideas. These collisions will encourage you to do some critical thinking and formulate your own one. That is the most valuable thing I have got from MPUP.

  • Andy Teng
    Class of 2011, CUHK
    Shenzhen Development Bank, China

    I am a 2011 MPUP graduate from the mainland of China and have four years of banking experience prior to my sudies. Through MPUP, I do not only get the expertise in policymaking but also know more about multiculturalism in Hong Kong. With multidisciplinary learning and the multi-perspective teaching in MPUP, I have formed an integrated and global way of thinking, and begun to be able to think about and understand public policy issues as a policymaker. The MPUP experience is very helpful for my career, work and life.