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Public Policy Forum on Economic Opportunities of Climate Change 2018-11-08

In face of the pressing challenge brought by climate change, a public policy forum featuring the economic opportunities of it was held on Nov 1, 2018 at Cho Yiu Conference Hall, The Chinese University of Hong Kong (CUHK). The forum was co-organized by the Policy Research of Hong Kong Institute of Asia Pacific Studies (HKIAPS), the Global China Research Programme, the MSSc Programme in Public Policy (MPUP), the Centre for Business Sustainability, and the Department of Geography and Resource Management of CUHK.

Professor Fanny Cheung, Pro-Vice-Chancellor and Co-Director of HKIAPS, CUHK delivered a welcome speech to kick off the event, followed by the keynote speech given by Mr Kam-Sing Wong, Secretary for the Environment, HKSAR Government.

As a policymaker and practitioner, Secretary K.S. Wong shared with participants the dual-track approach taken by the Government in climate mitigation. On one hand, the Government put forward policies directly, with which progress and constant achievements were seen; on the other hand, it motivated other sectors especially the private sector to increase relevant efforts by providing incentives, e.g. monetary. Its proactive approach could also be seen by its formulation of an action plan with respective attainment targets specified in the timeline. He also expressed the willingness of the Government to receive insights from researchers for innovative and practical ways to further enhance the current efforts made or stimulate policy-making.

Apart from the policy perspective, panellists from various fields, namely academic, environmental management and business, were invited to present their ideas during the forum, moderated by Professor Wilson Wong, Programme Director of MPUP:

Professor Xu Yuan, Programme Management Committee Member of MPUP of CUHK and Professor Ambuj Sagar, Head of School of Public Policy of Indian Institute of Technology, Delhi presented on some of their research findings on the “Crises and Opportunities of Climate Change” and “Energy Innovation, Developing Countries and Climate Mitigation” respectively.

Dr Jeanne Ng, Chairman of Hong Kong Institute of Qualified Environmental Professionals shared her thoughts on “Developing a Professional Industry as Part of Green Growth”.

Mr Mark Clifford, Executive Director of Asia Business Council presented on “Greening Asia: New Thinking in China’s Property Sector”; and Mrs Alexander Tracy, President of Hoi Ping Ventures shed light on “Financial Innovation for Climate Mitigation”.

Thanks to the honourable speakers and distinguished guests in sharing their field expertise which depicted a holistic picture and contributed sound arguments for inviting more vigorous efforts in climate mitigation.

The forum also received some constructive feedbacks during the discussion session regarding the potential areas the Government can work on to boost efforts.