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Public Policy Dialogue with Ms. Regina Ip, Chairperson of the New People's Party 2021-10-26

The MSSc in Public Policy regularly invites policy maker to have interaction and exchange views with students. This time, Ms. Regina Ip, a member of the Executive Council (ExCo) and Legislative Council of Hong Kong (LegCo), as well as the founder and current chairperson of the New People’s Party, was invited to share her experience with us. The dialogue was organized as part of the course exercise of MPUP5111 Public Policy Process taught by Prof. Maria Francesch and centered around the theme of Leadership and Trust in Public Policy Makers.

During the dialogue, Ms Ip shared the difference between working as a civil servant and a politician, and highlighted the elements contributing to good policy making process. Apart from the insightful sharing by the speakers, MPUP students benefited greatly from further discussing some of the social issues during the Q&A session.