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Programme Update - Good News: NASPAA Membership - A New Chapter of MPUP! 2018-12-07

The Programme is proud and excited to announce that it has achieved a major milestone by becoming a member of Network of Schools of Public Policy, Affairs, and Administration (NASPAA) (Membership 2019 to 2024). NASPAA ( is an international membership organization of graduate public service education programmes.

It connects its 300+ member schools worldwide, including top-notch institutions such as Harvard University, Princeton University, University of Chicago, University of California, Berkeley, Tsinghua University, Renmin University and etc.

By becoming its members, MPUP is now part of this big league, representing a new chapter of our development and a major rise of our global visibility and recognition.

MPUP students would have access to NASPAA resources and opportunities in many major areas including networking, career support, and professional learning. MPUP students will receive another email later regarding the details.  Among the NASPAA opportunities, there is one which we would like to especially draw your attention to.  MPUP is going to invite/nominate our students to participate in the upcoming NASPAA’s policy simulation competition under our sponsorship. It will be held in KDI School of Public Policy and Management, South Korea, in February 2019. In this event, our MPUP students would have the opportunity to compete head-to-head with master students from other prestigious public policy programmes all over the world. Please stay tuned for further updates of this policy simulation competition next week.