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Participation in New Research Network: UN ESCAP-APRU-Google 2019-05-17

Professor Wilson Wong, MPUP Programme Director, has been invited to join the new research network, “AI for Social Good” jointly formed by the Association of Pacific Rim Universities (APRU), the United Nations Economic and Social Commission for Asia (UN ESCAP) with the aim to collectively develop evidence and cross-border connections on “AI for Social Good” to promote an enabling policy environment at the domestic and international levels and inform overall ecosystem development for artificial intelligence (AI).

Professor Wong is among the 8 scholars across the Asia-Pacific region being invited to join the network for the initial project to conduct research on how AI can positively transform economies and societies, which has not been extensively researched.   A collection of research-based policy recommendation papers will be developed and published by the scholars on formulation of policies and strategies supporting and maximizing AI for Social Good. The papers are expected to be published in June 2020 and widely disseminated to policymakers, experts and external organisations for their utilization of the research results to develop partnerships to grow and sustain the use of AI for Social Good.

Further information can be accessed online via: