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Invitation: Public Policy Forum on Economic Opportunities of Climate Change (Nov 1) 2018-11-01

Students and alumni are cordially invited to attend the Public Policy Forum on Economic Opportunities of Climate Change, co-organised by the Policy Research @ HKIAPS, the Global China Research Programme, the MSSc Programme in Public Policy, the Centre for Business Sustainability, and the Department of Geography and Resource Management of The Chinese University of Hong Kong (CUHK) as follows:

Date: 1 November 2018 (Thursday)  
Time: 14:30–17:00  
Venue: Cho Yiu Conference Hall, CUHK

Mr Kam-Sing Wong, Secretary for the Environment, HKSAR Government will be the keynote speaker of the Forum. Furthermore, Professor Wilson Wong, our Programme Director will be the moderator and Professor Xu Yuan, our Programme Management Committee Member will be one of the panellists of the Presentation session. Please refer to the appended poster and programme for full list of panellists and other details.

Registration should be made online via

For enquiries, please contact Policy Research @ HKIAPS through 3943-3471 or