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Guest Lectures Delivered in MPUP5802 Topical Studies in Public Policy II (Political Environment for Public Policy) Classes 2024-04-17

To provide students with an overview of the dynamic political environment within which the public policy process takes place, a series of guest speakers from various fields were invited to share in the classes of MPUP5802 Topical Studies in Public Policy II (Political Environment for Public Policy).


Guest: Felix Chung, Former Legislative Councillor and Chairman of the Liberal Party
Seminar One: Political System Regime Type and Government

Guest: Mr. Paul Tze, Legislative Councillor
Seminar Two: Assemblies

Guest: Mr. Joseph Chan, Undersecretary for the Financial Services and Treasury, HKSAR Government
Seminar Three: Political Executives and Political Leaders

Guest: Ms. Regina Yip, Chairperson, New People’s Party
Seminar Four: Political Parties

Guest: Miss Karen Chan, Head, Corporate and Community Sustainability, World Wild Foundation
Seminar Five: Interest Groups

Guest: Miss Sharon Cheung, senior journalist and KOL
Seminar Six: Media

Guest: Dr. Yu Tak Sun, Ignatius, Chairman, Hong Kong Workers’ Health Centre
Seminar Seven: General Public

Mr. Patrick Nip, former Secretary for Secretary for Constitutional and Mainland Affairs, Honorary Professor, CUHK
Seminar Eight: Central-Local Relations