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Executive Officer (EO) Experience Sharing Session (6 Feb 2024) 2024-02-07

MPUP co-organized the HKSAR Government Executive Officer (EO) Experience Sharing Session with the Career Planning and Development Centre of the Office of Student Affairs, CUHK on 6 February (Tue) for CUHK students. The event aimed to equip students with the job nature of the position and strategic approaches throughout the recruitment process.

We were delighted to invite HO Sin Ping (Anna), HUANG Qi Ming (Andy), KWONG Hong Pak (Calvin), and LAM Ho Fung (Justin), all MPUP part-time students who are currently serving as EOs in HKSAR Government to be the guest speakers. Through the speakers’ sharing, participants improved their understanding of the job nature, possible challenges, and career satisfaction of civil service.  They were also reminded of the pitfalls to avoid in the interviews and had the opportunity to interact with the speakers during the Q&A sessions.

The event would not have been so successful without the time, energy, and enthusiasm of our students! Thank you!