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MPUP Academic Orientation for New Students - August 31, 2024 2024-08-31

The MPUP program hosted its academic orientation on August 31, 2024, to warmly welcome our incoming students. With over 50 enthusiastic participants, this year’s orientation was a vibrant start to their academic journey.

The day commenced with a delightful lunch at Chung Chi Staff Club, fostering connections among students and faculty. Transitioning to the Lecture Theater at Yasumoto International Academic Park, Prof. Carlos Lo, the MPUP Programme Director, delivered an inspiring welcome address. Course instructors, including Prof. Peter Cheung, Prof. Mark Charles Michelson, and Dr. James Downes, introduced themselves and greeted the new students warmly. Although unable to attend, Prof. Annie Tam thoughtfully prepared a video introduction for MPUP5803 Topical Studies III. Dr. Brenda Liu, the Programme Manager, shared valuable advice on postgraduate studies at CUHK. An Admission Scholarship Presentation was also held before the session concluded.

Upon the end of the Orientation, small group sharing sessions in classrooms were arranged to enhance mutual understanding between teachers and students, setting a positive tone for the upcoming academic year.

We extend our best wishes to all MPUP students for a fulfilling and successful academic year ahead.

Admission Scholarship Presentation during Orientation (From left to right):
Dr. James Downes, Prof. Mark Michelson, ZHU Rui, LAU Yau Shing, WANG Qianhui, WANG Zhiqi, Prof. Carlos LO, Prof. Peter Cheung